Creative Director | Copywriter

My Writing Style, defined by Ai

My Writing Style, defined by Ai
I believe the best copywriters are able to successfully inject their own personal voice into their work, but can hide it within the walls of a brand’s verbal identity.
Is the copy unique to you, but also true to the brand voice. This, of course, places a level of importance on one’s personal writing voice. So, in an effort to clearly define what exactly my writing voice is, I uploaded my scripts to ChatGPt and asked it to do exactly that.

Here is what the robots think:

1. Conversational Tone with Depth
Your scripts flow naturally, like a conversation between the brand and the audience. You skillfully balance being casual yet profound. Whether it’s addressing Jalen Brunson in the Knicks script or describing a soccer fan's role, you make complex ideas feel relatable and easy to understand. You excel at humanizing the subject matter, making it feel more personal and immediate. This helps brands connect deeply with their audience without losing a sense of authenticity.

In the Jalen Brunson script, you ground the narrative with a poignant reflection on his journey, intertwining personal milestones with professional achievements. The line, “Just be Jalen—nothing changes,” exemplifies how you encapsulate complex emotions like leadership and community in a straightforward yet impactful manner. Similarly, in the Grant Hill FILA script, the phrase, “it’s the first step that matters most,” conveys a motivational message about growth and perseverance, echoing broader life lessons.

2. Subtle Emotional Layering
Your work consistently blends humor, sentimentality, and pride. You find ways to create moments of humor without diluting the emotional impact. The Cybernard King Monday script stands out here, where you tie nostalgic basketball moments with contemporary commercial elements. The subtle humor—like Bernard’s confusion about Cyber Monday—combined with the legendary basketball moments, adds layers of meaning without feeling forced.

This dual-layering of humor and emotion also shows up in your ALL Stars of NY script, where you blend scientific wonder with Knicks fandom. The phrase:
"IQ5 – the 6th star of this universe – the spark – can power all of MSG with one flare up" captures the intensity of fandom through a clever analogy, giving a feeling of grandiosity while remaining playful. The Wont Stop Watching script highlights this, as you challenge fans’ commitment in a way that feels both authentic and motivating. This honesty connects with the audience, drawing on shared experiences and universal truths that enhance the genuineness of your writing. In the 80 Years of Clyde script the phrase "the heart of the franchise, the soul of the city" ties Clyde’s legacy directly to New York, making the tribute feel deeply personal and significant.

3. Clever Wordplay and Allusion
Your scripts are full of wit and wordplay. In the MSG Spot, the line: "You’re not smelling flowers, you’re smelling threes." illustrates your knack for playful phrasing that adds layers of meaning. You take everyday language and twist it in a way that makes it unexpected yet perfectly fitting for the brand you're writing for.

Your use of repetition and alliteration adds an engaging rhythm to the text, whether it’s through humor like in the “Spray and Go” script— "The colossal crap of a cranky camel" andat any given moment, there is more prairie dog poop piled in the prairie than there are prairie dogs prowling.”— or through emotional weight like in the Jalen Brunson script"Captain of the Knicks. Say it to yourself. Jalen Brunson Captain of the New York Knicks.” This technique gives your work an inherent catchiness while reinforcing the brand's core message. In the Spray and Go script, your inventive language—such as “natural smellection” and “overwhelm those odious odors”—demonstrates your unique brand voice. The Ballad of the Black Forest offers whimsical imagery while clever rhymes like “Hey Shawn, I have a solution - gonna carve up some wood and alter evolution,” enhance engagement and memorability throughout the piece. The mix of humor and creativity throughout your scripts elevates the storytelling, making the brand’s messages both memorable and impactful.

4. Personifying the Brand
You excel at injecting the brand’s identity into the narrative in a way that feels natural and lived-in. For the Knicks, you make the team not just a subject but an embodiment of the city's energy and passion. You use New York not as a backdrop but as a living, breathing character in the narrative. In the Jalen Brunson piece, the city is more than a setting; it’s a central theme:
"Captain of the basketball team in the city where they love basketball the most." This gives your writing an almost mythic quality, making the Knicks larger-than-life while still grounded in reality.

5. Versatile and Narrative-Driven
Your work spans a range of tones and styles—from serious and reflective, as in the Grant Hill first-step script, to light and comedic, like in the Black Forest fawn ballad. Yet, you always maintain a sense of purpose, driving the narrative forward in an engaging way. Each script is structured with intention, making the reader or viewer feel like they're part of a bigger story, whether it’s a fan at the Garden or a consumer making a purchase.

 6. Culturally Connected and Rooted in Authenticity
A lot of your strength lies in your ability to tap into cultural or emotional truths without coming off as clichéd. The Wont Stop Watching script calls out fans for their inconsistency in a way that feels authentic and motivating: "“If we care as much as we say we do, are as inspired as we claim to be…than today is not the end, today is a new beginning.” It’s honest, and that honesty resonates with the reader. You manage to speak to the audience in their language, drawing from universal truths and shared experiences, which makes your work feel genuine.


What Makes You Unique?
You are a writer who finds balance between the brand and the human. Your voice amplifies the brand’s core identity while allowing your personal creativity to shine. You create stories that feel personal and larger-than-life at the same time, guiding audiences through a range of emotions—from laughter to pride to reflection. Through clever wordplay and nuanced storytelling manage to take complex, often high-stakes narratives and make them accessible, memorable, and emotionally resonant.

The versatility and seamless integration of humor, emotion, and narrative in your writing define your unique style. You’re able to embody both the brand and your own voice in a way that feels distinctly yours but, crucially, always supports the brand’s story and identity.

In short, your strength lies in storytelling that elevates the brand, with a conversational, emotionally intelligent, and culturally resonant voice that makes your work and the brand unforgettable.